This is the dashboard of the KUCHNIA project for London Museum "Collections for All" program brought to reality by Volunteers Group, Central/Eastern Europe ---- This page is still > Work in Progress <
7.02 Friday
- initial deadlines settled and listed on this page in the Deadlines section.9.02 Sunday
- all source materials received from members are listed in the Recipe list section.(9 Feb update) Deadlines as discussed so far:
9 Feb, Sunday Morning
- deadline for sending text recipes.9 Feb, Sunday EOD
- final website template12 Feb, Wednesday EOD
- deadline for sending photos and illustrations14 Feb, Friday
- final print layout15 Feb, Saturday
- printing in London16 Feb, Sunday
- one copy of printed photo book is handed over to Claire Mead
(14 Feb update) Previous deadlines were cancelled due to delivery plans change, and new ones arriving soon, but after group discussion.
This project requires particular people who voluntarily wish to become owners of a discipline from the list.
All role owners will be listed on this website among other names of the contributors, and the role will be added as an extra mention to the description of their contribution.
This project needs a project title.
Acceptance criteria:
This project needs cover graphics.
Acceptance criteria:
This project needs topic illustrations
Acceptance criteria:
Internal graphics are yet to be discussed. Meanwhile Zoja, Wojciech Przywrzej's educated in London's fine arts school daughter, would draw few items.
Proposals submitted so far:
Ania Ruszkowski
source files
🗨 Ania's comments:
Chrust (faworki). This is from Mama's original cookbook.
Photobook: 2 egzemplarze
Basia Furmanowicz
source files
🗨 Basia's comments:
Zdjęcia będą później. Mam już do placka, specjalnie wczoraj upiekłam, ale nie wiem, czy dam radę zrobić kluchy, bo jutro wyjeżdżam na cały dzień.
Photobook: 1 egzemplarz
Deborah Matuszczyk
source files
🗨 Debbie's comments:
My mum used to make this quite a lot for us, often she did them as just rissoles and just fried them without putting them in the broth. My dad loved these, mum called them Klopsies, we said that mum couldn’t say it in Polish so she had her English version which we called Pinglish.
Elżbieta Smoleńska
source files
🗨 Ela's comments:
Aha. Jeszcze cos mi przyszlo do glowy. Wiem, że to tylko egzemplarze probne. etc etc Ale
w maju są targi książki w Warszawie ZPPnO (Związek Pisarzy na Obczyźnie) ma tam swoje stoisko. Gdyby było parę egzemplarzy mogłabym dorzucić na półkę ;)
Photobook: 1 egzemplarz.
Jola Piesakowska
source files
🗨 Jola's comments:
[Kołduny Po Litewsku] Ten napisalam z głowy!
Justyna Pezik
source files
Katarzyna Kulesza
source files
🗨 Kasia's comments:
2 egzemplarze książki
Marcin Giebułtowski
source files
🗨 Marcin's comments:
Śledzie matjas można kupić w niektórych sklepach rybnych, w polskich sklepach lub na polskich stoiskach w supermarketach.
Wojciech Klas
source files
🗨 Wojciech's comments:
Jeśli grupa będzie chciała kopię tej książeczki, to ja też się na to piszę, ale… ja to na pewno bym chciał też kopię dla biblioteki w Londynie i dwóch bibliotek w Polsce. A ze Biblioteka Narodowa gromadzi po 2 egz., to w sumie 5 egz.