lf column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Barbara Klimas, born in London, is a passionate folk dance instructor dedicated ... ity. Through her work, hundreds of young Poles in London have connected with their heritage through dance ... rm
Duration: 1 hour 31 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no. 02/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... en shaping generations of the Polish community in London, sharing her knowledge and passion. Leading the O
ic**: A director and screenwriter born in 1966 in London, grew up in the Polish community, deeply connecte... platform
Duration: 57 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no° 05/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... Exile tells the story of adolescence and youth in London in the '70s and' 80s. Answering the question abou... t-war generation of Poles, the people who founded London South Commune. Last but not least, he sheds some
<WRAP half column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Born in London to Polish World War II refugees, Anna Oprawska wa... ting) and Polish educational programs in Clapham, London. Bilingual in Polish and English. Her upbringing ... rm
Duration: 1 hour 51 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no. 01/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... urneys of the Family\\
02 The Polish Community in London\\
03 Education, Scouting, and the Community\\
half column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Alec Dyki was born in London in 1950 to Polish refugees from Równe and Lwów. H... orm
Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... ki patrząc z perspektywy chłopca dorastającego na London Clapham w latach pięćdziesiątych opowiada histori... Dyki tells the story of polish community in South London. In the fifth decade of the 20th century, Clapham
Andrzej Świdziński was born and raised in Balham, London, in a family of Polish immigrants. His parents we... orm
Duration: 1 hour 9 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no. 04/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... st who grew up in the Polish community of Balham, London. Raised in a close-knit environment, he was surro... dne: 51.4439°N, 0.1524°W | A cozy corner of South London where our hero grew up among Victorian terraces,
🇧 Interviewee bio: //Born in Poland and living in London since she was seven, 🔒 [[:heroes:ilona-marianska]... -crop-1.jpg?nolink}}\\
<wrap lo>Image courtesy of London Museum</wrap>
<WRAP group>
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==... anna Izowska]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Ilona przybyła do Lon... na Izowska]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Ilona arrived to Londo
ał Tuchowski]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Wybrałem historię Zyg... Tuchowski]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 I have selected the st... Josef Butler]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Chociaż wszystkim Pol... sef Butler]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 While all Poles that r
ved to the UK as a baby. Her family lived in East London where her father was a cabinet maker. She recalls... y over tradition, thriving in her adopted home of London. She maintained her cultural roots while building... cja Wargulak]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]\\
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Uważam tę część wyw... a Wargulak]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 I find this part of th
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Gdy służył w brytyjsk... urmanowicz]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 As he was serving in B... and artist's assistant and he decided to stay in London. Here the circus was performing in Olympia;
[[ht... near the docks watching different ships coming to London. She liked ships a lot, so Zygmunt made for her a
ackground in Warsaw and his reasons for moving to London in 1938. He talks about his work as Polish vice-c... ons for Poland in 1945 and Polish celebrations in London during 1945. He comments on the 1995 VE-Day celeb... Josef Butler]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Andrzej Kaminiecki wy... sef Butler]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Andrzej Kaminiecki dis
🇵🇱 Począwszy od 2023 roku [[:audit:museum-of-london]] otwiera swoje zbiory dla różnych społeczności w... lumn>
🇬🇧 Starting in 2023, the [[:audit:museum-of-london]] is opening its collections to various communities in London, aiming to democratize the knowledge these collec... related to the Chilean and Polish communities in London. The museum has offered volunteers the opportunit
====== Poles from South London – Interviews ======
<WRAP group>
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🇵🇱 W powojen... ą obcojęzyczną.\\ Prezentujemy **Poles from South London** — projekt, dzięki któremu historie świadków pow... tawiło.
<WRAP half column>
🇬🇧 In post-war London, the Polish immigrant community was the largest n... h-speaking group.\\ We present **Poles from South London**, a project that tells the stories of post-war d
y over tradition, thriving in her adopted home of London. She maintained her cultural roots while building... Agata Sikora]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Narracja Diany głębok... ata Sikora]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Diana's narrative reso... share with Diana also an enthusiasm for living in London. I sometimes think it is so di-verse, that it con
ackground in Warsaw and his reasons for moving to London in 1938. He talks about his work as Polish vice-c... ons for Poland in 1945 and Polish celebrations in London during 1945. He comments on the 1995 VE-Day celeb... Josef Butler]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Andrzej Kaminiecki wy... sef Butler]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Andrzej Kaminiecki dis
or Jurkowski]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Postawa przetrwania, ... Jurkowski]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Survivor attitude to l... any time, interact with my own culture or explore London whenever I feel like it.
<WRAP c... we can experience this reach cultural tapestry of London and that there is no contradiction between being