Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... Alec Dyki tells the story of polish community in SouthLondon. In the fifth decade of the 20th century, Clapham... ku. Współrzędne: ok. 51.4607°N, -0.1159°W.|Proper SouthLondon area, known for its buzz. Alec landed there as a ... ędne: ok. 51.4613°N, -0.1389°W.|Another corner of southLondon, bustling with Poles back then. Perfect place for
Duration: 1 hour 51 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no. 01/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... with “Bursa”, a polish Saturday school in Clapham South, are of family nature. Anna, a London-born teacher builds most of her story around the ... East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after World War II. Explanation of the creation o... ołeczność w Londynie
02 The Polish Community in London
Time: 00:02:32 - 00:06:50
Duration: 4
just a figure of speech. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=SouthWestLondonCollege|SouthWestLondonCollege]] | Szkoła, w której rozmówca powtarzał egzaminy ... najdowała się w rejonie Wandsworth (obecnie część South Thames College). Orientacyjne współrzędne: ok. 51.4568°N, 0.1939... arch&q=Birmingham|Birmingham]] | Miasto w Anglii (West Midlands), dokąd część młodych z parafii wyjeżdża... l wonderland conveniently located far enough from London for rebellious teens to spread their wings… or hi
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek