nity in London is the political emigres after the SecondWorldWar. So briefly: my parents or in my mother's case mo... ing to go. I mean, they had all taken part in the SecondWorldWar, in some form, or had experienced that and, yeah,... at the history books, you see the year after the war Poland was allowed to remain under communist rule. And so if the world had known that the Soviet Union had executed all ... allies and politics was the way it was after the war, unfortunately, the Soviet Union was allowed to r
ndon of parents who had come to England after the SecondWorldWar via Italy, actually, but they had been released f... incarceration in a Russian labour camp during the SecondWorldWar and had joined the allied forces in Italy, having... ck, and then to eventually to Italy. So after the war, we all know Russia took to the… Poland became a ... the Polish diaspora was created across the whole world and many thousands came to London, came to Englan
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek