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🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Born in London to Polish WorldWar II refugees, Anna Oprawska was steeped in the ric... ly, and their eventual settlement in London after WorldWar II. Explanation of the creation of the Polish dia... awdziwą mamę; ciepła i kochająca.|Anna’s father’s second wife, considered by Anna as her real mother; warm and loving.|
|Mama rozmówczyni (zmarła)|Biologic... ldier and printer who settled in London after the war.|
calls them from the 1980s.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Second%20World%20War|SecondWorldWar]]|Globalny konflikt z lat 1939–1945, w którego na... przypominać.|The genocide of European Jews during WorldWar II, mentioned by Piotr to illustrate the need for... in Poland, where she lived until the outbreak of WorldWar II.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=1939|1939]]|**Deportac... komunistycznych rządów.|**Settlement**: After the war, Piotr’s parents ended up in England, unable to r
tween Generations\\
06 Parents’ History and Their Wartime Journey</wrap>
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06 Parents’ History and Their Wartime Journey
Time: 01:18:30 - 01:28:56
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🇬🇧 **06 Parents’ History and Their Wartime Journey** Basia shares her parents’ wartime stories. Her father, a soldier in Anders’ Army, and he
and Belarus were unable to return home after the SecondWorldWar, because the borders had been changed at the Yalt... e communities in India and East Africa during the SecondWorldWar, where they regularly mixed with local, non-white... Soviet Union during the 1940s, many Poles in post-war Britain were fervently anti-Communist. This often... ype of the Casanova Polish soldier taking root in wartime Scotland. My grandfather and his brother both
s the British Government following the end of the SecondWorldWar. Many Poles felt deeply let down... ⪢ [[:stories:... male-256px.png?35&nolink }}
[[authors:start#lucja-wargulak|Łucja Wargulak]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Powojenne ... male-256px.png?35&nolink }}
[[authors:start#lucja-wargulak|Lucja Wargulak]]\\
researching for [[:audit:
s the British Government following the end of the SecondWorldWar. Many Poles felt deeply let down that the British... l Government of National Unity in June 1945. This second decision meant that very few Polish servicemen, w
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek