post-war Polish emigres. So it's not an economic migration, it was a politicalmigration, if you like, and they stayed in England and they created these Polish communities of which I beca... t is more specific because, as I say, it's more a political sort of community than it is an immigrant communi... ing a free Poland outside of Poland. And it was a political lobby as well, the Polish government in exile was
and the focus of his film.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=political%20migration|politicalmigration]]|Emigracja Polaków do Anglii z powodów polityczn... wiatowej.|Refers to Poles arriving in England for political rather than economic reasons after WWII.|
|[[:sta... al conflict from 1939–1945 that led to the Polish political emigration, including Piotr’s parents.|
|[[:start... *: Piotr was born in London to a family of Polish political exiles.|
|1970s|**Szkoła**: Rozpoczął naukę w ang
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek