, with his father serving as the secretary of the PolishWhiteEagleClub. He grew up in a tight-knit Polish environment bu... w mieszkaniu babci oraz organizowaniu koncertów w PolishWhiteEagleClub. Wspomina swoje pierwsze występy, pisanie utworów... mother’s apartment and organizing concerts at the PolishWhiteEagleClub. He recalls his first performances, songwriting, ... rogi on a Sunday, right? |
| [[:start?do=search&q=PolishWhiteEagleClub|PolishWhiteEagleClub]] | Polski Klub Orła Białego przy 211 Balham High
about life in Streatham, her involvement with the WhiteEagleClub, and her engagement in the Polish community. She describes family Christmas traditi... ł się w scenach komicznych.|He popped up in those Polish pantomimes at the WhiteEagleClub—apparently quite the comedic presence on stage.|
... fellow who rocked a pink tutu in those hilarious WhiteEagleClub pantos—talk about comedic bravery!|
|[[:start?do=... mówi, //Now if there are dances now in Balham and PolishClub, it’s discotheques and mostly just young Polish p
ag. Poles set up shop here with a church and that WhiteEagleClub.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Clapham College|Clapham C... ively on a Sunday morning.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=WhiteEagleClub|WhiteEagleClub]]|Klub Orła Białego przy 211 Balham High Rd, SW17... 84|Koło Pań]]|Klub zrzeszający starsze panie przy WhiteEagleClub, w którym działała mama Aleka w późniejszych latach.|A ladies’ circle at the WhiteEagleClub where Alec’s mum pitched in, organizing teas and
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek