up, because when I was growing up, everything was Polish at home. I didn't learn any English until I went to English school. My brother and sister were older than me, so the... eady speaking English. But everything at home was Polish, so... it's only when I went to English school that I realised I was different, I suppose, and o... lish community.
You know, I went to Polishschool on Saturday. I was in Polish Scouts. I played spo... understand, the weekdays were devoted to English school and weekends to Polishschool and Polish activities. Can you tell me more about it, about
in two cultures. I was born and grew up speaking Polish and then speaking English when I started primary school, me and my brother - Irek. So we went to school locally and like most Polish... There was a hub, if you like, of a Polish community in the Clapham and Balham area. I think partly ... y of my generation. That building then became the Polishschool, which was set up by pan Arciszewski and his wife... ances and akademie, so that's linking back to the Polishschool. The Polishschool, which would organise these big sort of celebrati
01 Family Roots and Wartime Turmoil
02 PolishSchool and Scouting
03 Football and Community Life
0... bought a house there, and now there was more of a Polish community in the area. At the same time I went to my first school and I couldn't speak English, [laughter] which was... I think that was quite common amongst the Polish communities. At that age you learn another langua
assion and Determination of Jolanta’s Mother
04 Polish Schools and Cultivating Identity
05 The Value o... e also then... Her father was in the army, in the Polish army, and he worked as a mechanic. And she, with ... ned was that they met through activities that the Polish communities then started to create, where young p... ple would come together and they were educated in Polish because they were thinking that the Poles would e
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek