ll and Community Life** Alec’s involvement in the Polish football club Grunwald, traveling for matches, and the role of ... y i jego rodziny|[[:start?do=search&q=White+Eagle+Club|White Eagle Club]]|Polishclub and meeting place for the interviewee and fa... y where the interviewee's football team played in Polishclub tournaments|
|Miejsce rozgrywek drużyny piłkarski... search&q=High+Wycombe|High Wycombe]]|Place of the Polish football club's matches|
|Okolice, gdzie znajdowała się szkoła
– miejsce spotkań i zabaw | [[:start?do=search&q=PolishClub|PolishClub]] | PolishClub, formerly Hamilton House (address: 211 Balham Hig... q=Ognisko Polskie|Ognisko Polskie]] | Seat of the Polish Government-in-Exile and the Polish Hearth Club at Exhibition Road |
| Miejsce corocznych pielgrz... |Kosynierzy]]
* [[:start?do=search&q=Orlęta+the+Polish+dance+troupe)|Orlęta (the Polish dance troupe)]]
* [[:start?do=search&q=Oberek|Oberek]]
* [[:start?do
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek