n: online, Zoom platform
Duration: 57 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no° 05/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... most common thing for the post-war generation of Poles, the people who founded LondonSouth Commune. Last but not least, he sheds some light ... ish traditions in England.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Poles%20in%20South%20London|Poles in SouthLondon]]|Nazwa projektu, w ramach którego przeprowadzono... erając się nawzajem.|A financial initiative among Poles in London, where community members saved and lent money to
ne, Zoom platform
Duration: 1 hour 31 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no. 02/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... występ zespołu Mazowsze; adres: Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP (51.5009° N, 0.1774° W)|That iconic round hall in posh South Kensington, where Basia witnessed Mazowsze steal ... dzenia zajęć tanecznych; adres: 55 Exhibition Rd, London SW7 2PN (51.4991° N, 0.1725° W)|A refined Polish hangout in South Ken, where Basia’s caffeine fix apparently led to... \\
Pinpointing preferred locales. She specifies “London,” “Poland,” “Biały Orzeł Club,” “Clapham,” and “B
ine, Zoom platform
Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... ędne: ok. 51.4613°N, -0.1389°W.|Another corner of southLondon, bustling with Poles back then. Perfect place for Sunday Mass and a ch... 4420°N, -0.1524°W.|Famous for its “Gateway to the South” gag. Poles set up shop here with a church and that White Eag... College|Clapham College]]|Dawna szkoła w Clapham South (obecnie Saint Francis Xavier College, 10 Malwood
ne, Zoom platform
Duration: 1 hour 51 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no. 01/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... with “Bursa”, a polish Saturday school in Clapham South, are of family nature. Anna, a London-born teacher builds most of her story around the ... East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after World War II. Explanation of the creation o... ołeczność w Londynie
02 The Polish Community in London
Time: 00:02:32 - 00:06:50
Duration: 4
ine, Zoom platform
Duration: 1 hour 9 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no. 04/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... półrzędne: 51.4439°N, 0.1524°W | A cozy corner of SouthLondon where our hero grew up among Victorian terraces, ... półrzędne: 51.4620°N, 0.1383°W | Another slice of south-of-the-river London. Famous for its Common and endless brunch spots, ... the club down the road, but it’s all in the same southLondon family. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=Tunley Road|Tunl
====== Poles from SouthLondon – Interviews ======
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🇵🇱 W powojennym Londynie społ... a największą grupą obcojęzyczną.\\ Prezentujemy **Poles from SouthLondon** — projekt, dzięki któremu historie świadków pow... argest non-English-speaking group.\\ We present **Poles from SouthLondon**, a project that tells the stories of post-war d...
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🇵🇱 //Poles from SouthLondon// wystartował w 2020 roku jako dwuletni projekt o