ntity and Cultural Conflicts
04 First Visits to Poland and Cultural Differences
05 The Role of the Chu... 6 of Polish parents, both my parents were born in Poland, they came to England after the war and I have a ... rted to the Soviet Union when the Soviets invaded Poland in 1939. She then, after the amnesty that was giv... gland, they were demobbed in England, but because Poland was given to the Soviet Union, it was still under
was already at the peak of his artistic career in Poland.
He studied at prestigious Warsaw Art Academy, d... Polish Consulate in London. He wanted to fight in Poland. It was not possible anymore to get to Poland. Instead he became a War Artist. Feliks ended up doing the ... ternational Congress of Intelectuals for Peace in Poland in 1948. Among others he met Picasso. At that tim
04 Home Life and Holidays
05 Journeys to Poland and Heritage
06 Echoes of the Past and Fading C... So after the war, we all know Russia took to the… Poland became a satellite state, became communist, and s... xperienced what Russian rule meant, to go back to Poland. So they then dispersed and hence the Polish dias
eginning of the war, my parents were taken out of Poland. They were told to leave their houses and they we... thinking that the Poles would end up returning to Poland. But when Poland became a communist country, there was no possibility for them to return or the decision