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- Alec Dyki interview transcript @transcripts
- 1 Hits, Last modified:
- gh Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Persia, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and she eventually ended up in a place called Wi
- Anna Oprawska interview transcript @transcripts
- 1 Hits, Last modified:
- es in Italy, having travelled through Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Egypt, I think, they’ve spent time in Cairo a
- Alec Dyki – interview @stories:pfsl
- 1 Hits, Last modified:
- |
|Etap trasy matki rozmówcy|[[:start?do=search&q=Palestine|Palestyna]]|Another part of the journey|
- Anna Oprawska – interview @stories:pfsl
- 1 Hits, Last modified:
- et labor camps, their journey through Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, Italy, and eventual settlement in England