drills in scorching heat?|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Italy|Italy]]|Kraj, w którym służyli rodzice Basi w Armii Andersa i w którym Basia przyszła na świat; brak dokładnego adresu|Italy—home of pasta, piazzas, and apparently the birthp... coordinates to Siberia, Persia (Iran), Palestine, Italy, and Monte Cassino. The second column in Polish w
ad come to England after the Second World War via Italy, actually, but they had been released from incarc... ond World War and had joined the allied forces in Italy, having travelled through Iraq, Iran, Palestine a... o and all the way back, and then to eventually to Italy. So after the war, we all know Russia took to the... My parents were already married. They married in Italy before they came over, but obviously there were m
time journey through Russia, the Middle East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after Wo... re?^🇵🇱 Opis^🇬🇧 Description^
|[[:start?do=search&q=Italy|Italy]]|Kraj w którym rodzice Ani znaleźli się po zwolnieniu z sowieckiego łagru i gdzie wzięli ślub, za... fe of the uncle from Whitechapel, originally from Italy; they hosted family Christmas Eve and Easter gath