their wartime journey through Russia, the Middle East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after World War II. Explanation of the creation o... sh ’n’ chips on the beach.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=EastLondon|EastLondon]]|Rejon Londynu, w którym rodzice Ani mieszkali n... ku i gdzie jej ojciec szukał pracy w drukarniach.|EastLondon – historically cheap digs for newcomers, a real m... n wooden huts, while I was left behind sulking in London.|
half column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Alec Dyki was born in London in 1950 to Polish refugees from Równe and Lwów. H... orm
Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... ki patrząc z perspektywy chłopca dorastającego na London Clapham w latach pięćdziesiątych opowiada histori... Dyki tells the story of polish community in South London. In the fifth decade of the 20th century, Clapham
ic**: A director and screenwriter born in 1966 in London, grew up in the Polish community, deeply connecte... platform
Duration: 57 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no° 05/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... Exile tells the story of adolescence and youth in London in the '70s and' 80s. Answering the question abou... t-war generation of Poles, the people who founded London South Commune. Last but not least, he sheds some
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek