lly in Brockley-Lewisham, they set up a kind of a bank. Yeah, I suppose you could call it a communitybank, where everybody would pay in, people who could pay and would pay in, and that was loaned out to o... how involved. Even kids in, you know, make Polish community bigger, better.
PS: Yeah, but as I ... re was a definite goal to kind of keep the Polish community going, but also just for themselves, because reme
m where Piotr’s old man helped set up that Polish communitybank.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=POSK|POSK]]|Polski Ośrode... rents from returning home.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=community%20bank|communitybank]]|Inicjatywa finansowa Polaków w Londynie, gdzie ... financial initiative among Poles in London, where community members saved and lent money to support each othe... church, an important part of the Catholic émigré community.|
here under the arcades is that in 1951 when South Bank Centre was built for the Festival of Britain he w... entsia.
He was very active among Polish emigrees community here in London. Of which Bednarczyk press which p
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek