was given to the Soviet Union, it was still under communistrule, they could not go back. That is a story that is ... o Polska in the ‘80s when, you know, still on the communistrule, that was that was also an experience. So it open... Polish. What's the point? Because Poland's under communistrule, we're never going to go there. You know, what's ... lso had one eye on the fact that Poland was under communistrule and they were fighting for that rule to go and for Poland to be free again, as much as
uages: Polish and English.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=communist%20rule|communistrule]]|Odnosi się do okresu, w którym Polska pozostawa... d up in England, unable to return to Poland under communistrule.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=1966|1966]]|**Narodziny**... with the group to Poland, experiencing life under communistrule.|
|1980s|**AlbertHall**: Wraz z Karolinką występo
k to the… Poland became a satellite state, became communist, and so it was too dangerous for anybody who had ... he allied forces, having experienced what Russian rule meant, to go back to Poland. So they then dispers
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek