🇬🇧 **Summary**: Anna Oprawska's bonds with “Bursa”, a polish Saturday school in Clapham South, are ... społeczności w Clapham i Balham. Historia budynku Bursa jako centrum wsparcia dla imigrantów, a później j... community in Clapham and Balham. The story of the Bursa building as a support center for immigrants and l... *: Udział w zajęciach polskiej szkoły sobotniej w Bursa na Nightingale Lane | lata 50.–60. | **School**:
help, they would go there. So that was called the Bursa. And that building is known as Bursa to everybody of my generation. That building then became the Polish... earnt my Polish not only at home, but also at the Bursa where there was a whole curriculum, Polish langua
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek