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- 05 Piotr Szkopiak @stories:pfsl
- 3 Hits, Last modified:
- Poland after World War II.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Andrzej%20Wajda|Andrzej Wajda]]|Polski reżyser, twórca filmu „Katyń”, o którym
- Piotr Szkopiak interview transcript @transcripts
- 2 Hits, Last modified:
- tell that story. Less so of the massacre, because Andrzej Wajda made a film called Katyń from the Polish perspect
- “Polski ToPolski” Talk by Elżbieta Smoleńska @transcripts
- 2 Hits, Last modified:
- lish theatre directors such as Dejmek, Szajna or Andrzej Wajda. In 1974 Topolski was given title Doctor Honoris