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- 02 Barbara Klimas @stories:pfsl
- 15 Hits, Last modified:
- at?^🇵🇱 Opis^🇬🇧 Description^
|[[:start?do=search&q=amber%20trade%20route|amber trade route]]|Dawny szlak, którym sprowadzano korale z Morza ... , “Dowry” with “red beads” seems relevant, while “Amber trade route” might be too broad. \\
I’m thinking through wor... out its context. \\
I’m digging into terms like “Amber trade route,” “Appliqué,” and “Anglaise.” Noticing “Bead embr... intriguing elements. \\
Taking a closer look at “amber trade route,” “appliqué,” “barszcz,” and “ciupagi,” I’m refin
- Barbara Klimas interview transcript @transcripts
- 5 Hits, Last modified:
- imported from the Red Sea because there was that trade route up to the amber trade route. You could buy a cow with it or you could buy two