Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... Alec Dyki tells the story of polish community in SouthLondon. In the fifth decade of the 20th century, Clapham... ku. Współrzędne: ok. 51.4607°N, -0.1159°W.|Proper SouthLondon area, known for its buzz. Alec landed there as a ... ędne: ok. 51.4613°N, -0.1389°W.|Another corner of southLondon, bustling with Poles back then. Perfect place for
Duration: 1 hour 51 minutes
Poles of SouthLondon Archive no. 01/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... with “Bursa”, a polish Saturday school in Clapham South, are of family nature. Anna, a London-born teacher builds most of her story around the ... East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after World War II. Explanation of the creation o... ołeczność w Londynie
02 The Polish Community in London
Time: 00:02:32 - 00:06:50
Duration: 4
just a figure of speech. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=SouthWestLondonCollege|SouthWestLondonCollege]] | Szkoła, w której rozmówca powtarzał egzaminy ... najdowała się w rejonie Wandsworth (obecnie część South Thames College). Orientacyjne współrzędne: ok. 51.4568°N, 0.1939... arch&q=Birmingham|Birmingham]] | Miasto w Anglii (West Midlands), dokąd część młodych z parafii wyjeżdża... l wonderland conveniently located far enough from London for rebellious teens to spread their wings… or hi
n oral history interview for the project Poles in SouthLondon, and I'm interviewing Piotr Szkopiak. Piotr, coul... s you can see now, you're now looking at Poles in SouthLondon from another perspective, but you can see the uni... l and they weren't allowed to go out and see what London looked like. So a lot of people had no idea what the West actually looked like. And that was also strange because they were told it's even worse in the West, not that it's better, for obvious reasons. So th
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek