nity in London is the political emigres after the SecondWorldWar. So briefly: my parents or in my mother's case mo... ing to go. I mean, they had all taken part in the SecondWorldWar, in some form, or had experienced that and, yeah,... at the history books, you see the year after the war Poland was allowed to remain under communist rule. And so if the world had known that the Soviet Union had executed all ... allies and politics was the way it was after the war, unfortunately, the Soviet Union was allowed to r
calls them from the 1980s.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Second%20World%20War|SecondWorldWar]]|Globalny konflikt z lat 1939–1945, w którego na... przypominać.|The genocide of European Jews during WorldWar II, mentioned by Piotr to illustrate the need for... in Poland, where she lived until the outbreak of WorldWar II.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=1939|1939]]|**Deportac... komunistycznych rządów.|**Settlement**: After the war, Piotr’s parents ended up in England, unable to r
f column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Born in London to Polish WorldWar II refugees, Anna Oprawska was steeped in the ric... ly, and their eventual settlement in London after WorldWar II. Explanation of the creation of the Polish dia... ancient vibes, and my parents’ pit stop on their war-torn grand tour.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|C... or sipping tea, devouring szarlotka, and plotting world peace.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Monte Cassino|Monte
and Belarus were unable to return home after the SecondWorldWar, because the borders had been changed at the Yalt... e communities in India and East Africa during the SecondWorldWar, where they regularly mixed with local, non-white... Soviet Union during the 1940s, many Poles in post-war Britain were fervently anti-Communist. This often
ut for Basia’s family, it was once home to a post-war military camp. Charming.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=K... ; brak dokładnego adresu|Palestine—nothing like a war-torn corner of the globe for “romantic” army trai... (Iran), Palestine, Italy, and Monte Cassino. The second column in Polish will explain their relevance to ... entries starting with “M.” \\
I’m comparing the second and third letters of each entry, like “Mama Basi”
ndon of parents who had come to England after the SecondWorldWar via Italy, actually, but they had been released f... incarceration in a Russian labour camp during the SecondWorldWar and had joined the allied forces in Italy, having... ck, and then to eventually to Italy. So after the war, we all know Russia took to the… Poland became a ... the Polish diaspora was created across the whole world and many thousands came to London, came to Englan
s the British Government following the end of the SecondWorldWar. Many Poles felt deeply let down that the British... l Government of National Unity in June 1945. This second decision meant that very few Polish servicemen, w
s the British Government following the end of the SecondWorldWar. Many Poles felt deeply let down... ⪢ [[:stories:... :museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Post-war political changes resulted in the country being p
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek