, with his father serving as the secretary of the PolishWhiteEagleClub. He grew up in a tight-knit Polish environment bu... w mieszkaniu babci oraz organizowaniu koncertów w PolishWhiteEagleClub. Wspomina swoje pierwsze występy, pisanie utworów... mother’s apartment and organizing concerts at the PolishWhiteEagleClub. He recalls his first performances, songwriting, ... rogi on a Sunday, right? |
| [[:start?do=search&q=PolishWhiteEagleClub|PolishWhiteEagleClub]] | Polski Klub Orła Białego przy 211 Balham High
about life in Streatham, her involvement with the WhiteEagleClub, and her engagement in the Polish community. She describes family Christmas traditi... ł się w scenach komicznych.|He popped up in those Polish pantomimes at the WhiteEagleClub—apparently quite the comedic presence on stage.|
... fellow who rocked a pink tutu in those hilarious WhiteEagleClub pantos—talk about comedic bravery!|
|[[:start?do=... mówi, //Now if there are dances now in Balham and PolishClub, it’s discotheques and mostly just young Polish p
ag. Poles set up shop here with a church and that WhiteEagleClub.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Clapham College|Clapham C... ively on a Sunday morning.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=WhiteEagleClub|WhiteEagleClub]]|Klub Orła Białego przy 211 Balham High Rd, SW17... 84|Koło Pań]]|Klub zrzeszający starsze panie przy WhiteEagleClub, w którym działała mama Aleka w późniejszych latach.|A ladies’ circle at the WhiteEagleClub where Alec’s mum pitched in, organizing teas and
ery, very much involved with the formation of the PolishWhiteEagleClub. My father was the sekretarz for Lord knows how l... architect behind the old people's home behind the PolishClub, and also the sala młodzieżowa and things which w... ou?
AŚ: Very fondly. [laughter] The Polish parish was a very, very tight knit community. We ... community at school. I met lots and lots of other Polish people from our parafia who didn't go to przedszk
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek