ll and Community Life** Alec’s involvement in the Polish football club Grunwald, traveling for matches, and the role of ... y i jego rodziny|[[:start?do=search&q=White+Eagle+Club|White Eagle Club]]|Polishclub and meeting place for the interviewee and fa... y where the interviewee's football team played in Polishclub tournaments|
|Miejsce rozgrywek drużyny piłkarski... search&q=High+Wycombe|High Wycombe]]|Place of the Polish football club's matches|
|Okolice, gdzie znajdowała się szkoła
– miejsce spotkań i zabaw | [[:start?do=search&q=PolishClub|PolishClub]] | PolishClub, formerly Hamilton House (address: 211 Balham Hig... q=Ognisko Polskie|Ognisko Polskie]] | Seat of the Polish Government-in-Exile and the Polish Hearth Club at Exhibition Road |
| Miejsce corocznych pielgrz... |Kosynierzy]]
* [[:start?do=search&q=Orlęta+the+Polish+dance+troupe)|Orlęta (the Polish dance troupe)]]
* [[:start?do=search&q=Oberek|Oberek]]
* [[:start?do
ery, very much involved with the formation of the Polish White Eagle Club. My father was the sekretarz for Lord knows how l... architect behind the old people's home behind the PolishClub, and also the sala młodzieżowa and things which w... ou?
AŚ: Very fondly. [laughter] The Polish parish was a very, very tight knit community. We ... community at school. I met lots and lots of other Polish people from our parafia who didn't go to przedszk
ow has a close group of friends from the football club. They trust each other immensely, which allows th... .
<WRAP half column>
So my son, who is of Polish nationality, is called “Bricklayer” by his friend
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek