earned a diploma. Upon returning, she founded the Orlętadance group in 1973, introducing authentic Polish folk dance styles.
<WRAP clear/>
<WRAP ... ng together more relationships: Kolberg, a London Polish folk dancetroupe, and Laura, Basia’s younger daughter, who is a st... noticed two more relationships: Kolberg, a London Polish folk dancetroupe, and Laura, Basia’s younger daughter, a stylist a... ny w repertuarze zespołu Basi.|A stately national dance—a must for big Polish do’s, typically featuring that oh-so-regal “let’s
asię Klimas-Sawyer, w którym ćwiczyła młodzież.|A Polishdancetroupe set up by Basia Klimas-Sawyer, attended by local ... an?|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Orl%C4%99ta%20%28the%20Polish%20dance%20troupe%29|Orlęta (the Polishdancetroupe)]]|Polski zespół taneczny założony przez Basię Kl... gnować narodową kulturę i radość z tańca.|A peppy Polish folk dance that doubles as your grandma’s cardio regime. If ... d to lure you into a sugar coma outside the local Polish club.|
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek