|Córka Gratosielskich, działająca w grupie KresyFamily|[[:start?do=search&q=Gratosielska|Elżunia Gratosielska]]|Daughter of the Gratosielski family, active in the KresyFamily group|
|Zakon prowadzący polską szkołę w H... ująca się historią kresowian|[[:start?do=search&q=KresyFamily|KresyFamily]]|Group focused on the history of the Polish East... plings, often served during festive occasions and family meals. |
| Symbole religijne odnawiane przez ojcz
1945. [Note- this region is often referred to as Kresy Wschodnie, this is problematic and would not be a... 19) 'The Russian Okrainy (Окраины) and the Polish Kresy: Objectivity and Historiog-raphy, Global Intellec... sense of Polish identity. Unlike Izycki's wife's family, some British observers also disapproved of these
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek