tkań rozmówcy i jego rodziny|[[:start?do=search&q=White+Eagle+Club|WhiteEagleClub]]|Polish club and meeting place for the interviewee and family|... start?do=search&q=Balham|Balham]]|Location of the WhiteEagleclub and Polish church|
|Okolica, gdzie znajdował się ... y odwiedzany przez rodzinę | [[:start?do=search&q=WhiteEagleClub|WhiteEagleClub]] | A community club where Poles in London gathered for events and dan
ry much involved with the formation of the Polish WhiteEagleClub. My father was the sekretarz for Lord knows how l... ynar in original planning and idea of forming the club and was the structural engineer and architect behind the old people's home behind the Polish Club, and also the sala młodzieżowa and things which w
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek