oclwell Partnership]]
''27 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: Not just dance, but history, tradition, and a deep love fo... ish snippet with a brief two-sentence creative summary, making sure the Polish summary is at least three sentences long. \\
I’m honing two-sentence
s and later as a Polish school. The importance of St. Mary’s Church and scouting in Anna’s family life.
</WR... r learning Polish grammar.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s Church|St. Mary’s Church]]|Kościół przy Clapham Common (ok. 8 Cla... sze, chrzty, śluby i akademie w sali parafialnej.|St. Mary’s Church near Clapham Common – the place to be on... you fancy a Sunday stroll.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Xavier’s|St. Xavier’s]]|Dawniej Clapham College
założenia kilku zespołów, w tym Hysteria Ward. Jest artystą i muzykiem, a jego twórczość wciąż znajdu... eral bands, including Hysteria Ward. He is an artist and musician, and his work continues to resonate ... oclwell Partnership]]
''27 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: Music, art, and defiance of convention shaped ... e youth of Andrzej Świdziński, a musician and artist who grew up in the Polish community of Balham, Lo
or Sunday Mass and a chat.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s in Clapham|St. Mary’s in Clapham]]|Kościół katolicki przy Clapham Par... towarzyskiej pod kościołem** [[:start?do=search&q=St.%20Mary%27s|St. Mary’s]] w [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]] – //... ociable atmosphere** outside [[:start?do=search&q=St.%20Mary%27s|St. Mary’s]] in [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]], sa... It’s a larger community.”//. Zwraca uwagę na rozrost i lepszą organizację obecnej emigracji.|**He rema
oclwell Partnership]]
''28 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: The son of the last Minister of Foreign Affairs in Exile tells the st... clashes and makes an attempt to find what's the most common thing for the post-war generation of Poles, the people who founded London South Commune. Last but not least, he sheds some light on partying an
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek