s and later as a Polish school. The importance of St. Mary’s Church and scouting in Anna’s family life.
</WRA... , ślubów i innych wydarzeń | [[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary's Church|St. Mary's Church]] | St. Mary's Church in Clapham Common, London – venue for masses, bap... w Clapham South, dawniej Clapham College (obecnie St. Xavier's Sixth Form College) | [[:start?do=search&q=St. Xavier's|St. Xavier's]] | The school and chapel
uczestniczył we mszy świętej|[[:start?do=search&q=St.+Mary%27s+Church|St. Mary's]]|Church where the interviewee attended Mass|
|Polski skle... ]] | Religious art symbolizing the Passion of Christ, restored in a Polish church. |
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 00:33 by Wojtek