oclwell Partnership]]
''27 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: Not just dance, but history, tradition, and a deep love for Polish folklor... ing London’s chaotic hustle. Cheers to that!|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]]|Dzielnica w południowym Londynie, gdzie Basia w... ” is the next step. \\
I’m gathering specifics on Clapham, confirming it as a district. Now, I’m considering the best way to identify and list additional locations acc... cise addresses and coordinates for locations like Clapham, Streatham, and the Royal Albert Hall in London, as w
mber (kidding!) for learning Polish grammar.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s Church|St. Mary’s Church]]|Kościół przy Clapham Common (ok. 8 Clapham Park Rd, SW4 7AP), gdzie od... sze, chrzty, śluby i akademie w sali parafialnej.|St. Mary’s Church near Clapham Common – the place to be on Sundays for Mass, Pol... sip, and the occasional Easter egg blessing.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Clapham South|Clapham South]]|Część południowego Londynu w pobliżu Nigh... a scenic walk if you fancy a Sunday stroll.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Xavier’s|St. Xavier’s]]|Dawniej Clapham College przy 10 Malwood Rd (SW12 8EN), obecnie sz
convenient travel links to anywhere else?” |
| [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]] | Sąsiednia dzielnica w południowym Londynie (S... than it looks from the outside, trust me. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=Nightingale Lane|Nightingale Lane]] | Ulica w Clapham (SW12), gdzie znajdowała się m.in. polska przedsz... water fights. Granny never stood a chance. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=The Two Brewers|The Two Brewers]] | Pub przy 114 Clapham High Street, Londyn SW4 7UJ, często odwiedzany pr... 0.1341°W | A pub that’s seen its fair share of questionable gigs and better-than-expected nights out. Who knew Clapham had so much hidden musical talent (and spilled be
n. Perfect place for Sunday Mass and a chat.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s in Clapham|St. Mary’s in Clapham]]|Kościół katolicki przy Clapham Park Road, SW4 7BB. Rodzina Aleka chodziła tam na... 7]|**O atmosferze towarzyskiej pod kościołem** [[:start?do=search&q=St.%20Mary%27s|St. Mary’s]] w [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]] – //“It was like a social club.”//. Ludzie po m... He describes the sociable atmosphere** outside [[:start?do=search&q=St.%20Mary%27s|St. Mary’s]] in [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]], saying “It was like a social club” where peopl... ll create camaraderie.” Playing together forged lasting friendships.|
|[00:21:43]|**O docenianiu polsk
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek