oclwell Partnership]]
''27 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: Not just dance, but history, tradition, and a deep love for Polish folklor... u|Croydon: famed for its boxy architecture and questionable nightlife—yet Basia found a Polish church community here. Miracles happen.|
|[[:start?do=se... family members. For these, I provide a Polish summary and a sarcastic English remark in columns “bbb” and “ccc,” resp... , you clearly haven’t tried Basia’s version.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=%C5%9Bledzie|śledzie]]|Marynowane śledzie, nieodłączny element Wigilii, choć
s and later as a Polish school. The importance of St. Mary’s Church and scouting in Anna’s family life.
</WRA... mber (kidding!) for learning Polish grammar.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s Church|St. Mary’s Church]]|Kościół przy Clapham Common (ok. 8 Clapham Park... sze, chrzty, śluby i akademie w sali parafialnej.|St. Mary’s Church near Clapham Common – the place to be on Sundays ... irls’ group (cub scouts) in Polish scouting.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Winston%20Churchill|Winston Churchill]]|Brytyjski premier, pojawiał się w dyskusjach
als and the faint echo of Saturday discos? |
| [[:start?do=search&q=Balham Polish Church|Balham Polish Church]] | Polski kościół w Balham, prawdopodobnie Kościół Chrystusa Króla przy 232 Balham High Road, SW17 7AW, gdz... it’s all in the same south London family. |
| [[:start?do=search&q=Tunley Road|Tunley Road]] | Ulica ... rzędne: 51.4278°N, 0.1550°W | Another humble SW17 street where half the Polish parish seemed to settle
resent day. They attend catholic mass in national church, but the coach of their football team is English. Past events seen with young Alec eyes once again becom... n. Perfect place for Sunday Mass and a chat.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=St. Mary’s in Clapham|St. Mary’s in Clapham]]|Kościół katolicki przy Clapham Par... ’s stepdad, who married his mum in ’66 and even restored the Stations of the Cross in the Polish church.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Pruszy%C5%84sk%2A|Pruszyń... 7]|**O atmosferze towarzyskiej pod kościołem** [[:start?do=search&q=St.%20Mary%27s|St. Mary’s]] w [[:start?do=search&q=Clapham|Clapham]] – //
oclwell Partnership]]
''28 March 2021''
🇬🇧 **Summary**: The son of the last Minister of Foreign Affairs in Exile tells the story of adolescence and youth in London in the '70s... cy. Koordynaty: ~51.475°N, -0.036°W.|New Cross, just down the road in South London, where Piotr popped in for church and a chinwag.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Albert Hall|Albert Hall]]|Słynna sala koncertowa w Londynie, w ... ł taneczny Karolinka (do którego należał Piotr) występował. Adres: Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP.|Bl
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The Polish community in West London is really strong as there are Polish restaurants, shops, churches, community centres, and schools which give a co... tion to my Polishness and keep my Polish identity strong. I maintain all the traditions, we have Polis... ar/>
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– interpretation by Wiktor Jurkowski ======
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===== Podsumowanie wywiadu =====
''24 wrze... odzony w sierpniu 1927 roku w Rydze, na Łotwie, jest osobą odporną i przystosowującą się. Jego droga od obiecującego śpiewaka do wykwalifikowanego jubiler
sure. Yes, I think he was. They came over and the church in Clapham Common, St. Mary's Church, it’s got a big steeple - can't miss it, just behind the High Street was the church where all the masses, all the baptisms and all the weddings took place. And that church also has a hall, a church hall, a very large church hall with a stage. And so the first gatherings and dances and ak... there, the blessing of the Easter eggs and the Easter baskets would take place originally, it would be there, in Saint Mary's hall.
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====== Joe Morris – interpretation ======
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🇵🇱 Biografia rozmówcy: //[[:heroes:joe-morris]], urodzony i wychowany na East End w Londynie, to postać pełna odporności i przywiązania do tradycji. Jako krawiec, przerwał naukę,
he community was in Clapham. There was an English church, or Irish church, StMary's in Clapham. The family would go there every Sun... go there for, you know, for ten o'clock, because St. Mary's was one o'clock and that was too late, so my ag
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek