f column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Born in London to Polish WorldWar II refugees, Anna Oprawska was steeped in the ric... ly, and their eventual settlement in London after WorldWar II. Explanation of the creation of the Polish dia... awdziwą mamę; ciepła i kochająca.|Anna’s father’s second wife, considered by Anna as her real mother; warm and loving.|
|Mama rozmówczyni (zmarła)|Biologic... ldier and printer who settled in London after the war.|
calls them from the 1980s.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Second%20World%20War|SecondWorldWar]]|Globalny konflikt z lat 1939–1945, w którego na... przypominać.|The genocide of European Jews during WorldWar II, mentioned by Piotr to illustrate the need for... in Poland, where she lived until the outbreak of WorldWar II.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=1939|1939]]|**Deportac... komunistycznych rządów.|**Settlement**: After the war, Piotr’s parents ended up in England, unable to r
tween Generations\\
06 Parents’ History and Their Wartime Journey</wrap>
<WRAP ... rciedla jej pasję i głęboką znajomość tradycji. Towarzyszy jej mąż Gervais, który prezentuje niektóre z... he used to encourage them to speak Polish, from reward systems to singing folk songs. She emphasizes th... osy podczas wojny
06 Parents’ History and Their Wartime Journey
Time: 01:18:30 - 01:28:56
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek