t-war generation have that story and you have the PolishKatynFamiliesAssociation. But in England, because England and America were... e Andrzej Wajda made a film called Katyń from the Polish perspective about the massacre and how that affected the families in Poland. My film deals with the cover up here a... was an uncomfortable truth. And as a result, the Polish community really wasn't represented in the Britis... ut the Poles, you have to start talking about the Katyn massacre and so it's just easier not to talk abou
there as foreign minister.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Polish%20Katyn%20Families%20Association|PolishKatynFamiliesAssociation]]|Stowarzyszenie rodzin ofiar zbrodni katyńskiej; Piotr wspomina je, mówiąc o Katyniu.|An association of the families of the Katyn massacre victims; referenced by Piot... ssacre** Piotr highlights how the cover-up of the Katyn Massacre lasted for years, affecting the Polish diaspora, as admitting Soviet responsibility was ... //|**History as everyday life** Piotr recalls how Polish history was always present, but he only grasped i
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek