among other Polish dishes.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=New%20Year%27s%20Ball|NewYear's Ball]]|Zabawa sylwestrowa w polskiej społeczności, na ... rą uczęszczali rodzice Aleka w latach 50. i 60.|A NewYear’s Eve bash thrown by the Polish community back in... nację królowej Elżbiety II.|**Coronation**: Three-year-old Alec was taken to Queen Elizabeth II’s corona... ego klubu piłkarskiego Grunwald w Londynie.|**Football**: Alec joined the Polish football club Grunwald
s built, you then had a lot of zabawy at POSK and NewYear's was always at POSK, because I think POSK has th... la and they were all going. So it was a big deal. NewYear's was a big deal at POSK, and my parents used to ... d, not be allowed to go home, to have to create a new life in a new country where they don't know the language, you know, they’re then told not to talk abou
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek