their wartime journey through Russia, the Middle East, and Italy, and their eventual settlement in London after World War II. Explanation of the creation o... sh ’n’ chips on the beach.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=EastLondon|EastLondon]]|Rejon Londynu, w którym rodzice Ani mieszkali n... ku i gdzie jej ojciec szukał pracy w drukarniach.|EastLondon – historically cheap digs for newcomers, a real m... po stronie matki.|Jarosław – tucked away in southeast Poland, full of unexpected cousins I never knew e
lf column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Barbara Klimas, born in London, is a passionate folk dance instructor dedicated ... ity. Through her work, hundreds of young Poles in London have connected with their heritage through dance ... rm
Duration: 1 hour 31 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no. 02/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... en shaping generations of the Polish community in London, sharing her knowledge and passion. Leading the O
t-war generation of Poles, the people who founded London South Commune. Last but not least, he sheds some light on partying and famous venue... °N, 0.0209°W.|Lewisham, guv! A proper bit o’ southeastLondon where Piotr had his Sunday routines.|
|[[:start?d... -0.036°W.|New Cross, just down the road in South London, where Piotr popped in for church and a chinwag.|... ależał Piotr) występował. Adres: Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP.|Blimey, the Albert Hall! Proper grand st
half column>
🇬🇧 **Biopic**: Alec Dyki was born in London in 1950 to Polish refugees from Równe and Lwów. H... orm
Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes
Poles of South London Archive no° 03/06
**Full recording**\\
download ... ki patrząc z perspektywy chłopca dorastającego na London Clapham w latach pięćdziesiątych opowiada histori... Dyki tells the story of polish community in South London. In the fifth decade of the 20th century, Clapham
he Role of the Church and the Polish Community in London
Karolina Jackowiak: My name is Karolina Jacko... history interview for the project Poles in South London, and I'm interviewing Piotr Szkopiak. Piotr, coul... war and I have a brother and sister also born in London, England.
KJ: So we’re in London in the ‘70s, in the ‘80s, that was a time when you were a boy, a teena
medieval Polish knight), proof that even suburban London teenagers can channel 15th-century chivalry—on weekends, at least.|
<tabbox Timeline>
🇵🇱 Chronologiczna li... ch fun wicking people//." He kept at this splashy Easter habit in England, much to his grandma’s chagrin
iographies they start with a sentence: he came to London in 1935 and he made a career in Great Britain. Bu... dly disagree with such statement. When he came to London he was already at the peak of his artistic career... st returned from his tour of Europe.
”My trip to London was just a short excursion, 14 days. Feliks talks... all a premonition?
So Feliks Topolski arrived in London in 1935 in style, on board of the Polish ship for
urneys of the Family
02 The Polish Community in London
03 Education, Scouting, and the Community
04 ... Tadaj, today is 20th of March 2021. We’re both in London, on a Zoom call. I will be talking to Ania Opraws... ia Oprawska, with a “w” - Oprawska, I was born in London of parents who had come to England after the Seco... across the whole world and many thousands came to London, came to England and then started their lives in
is is the dashboard of the KUCHNIA project
for London Museum "Collections for All" program
brought to reality by Volunteers Group, Central/Eastern Europe
This page is still > Work in P... /del>
* <del>''15 Feb, Saturday'' - printing in London</del>
* <del>''16 Feb, Sunday'' - one copy of p... Meanwhile Zoja, Wojciech Przywrzej's educated in London's fine arts school daughter, would draw few items
2, moved to the UK as a baby. Her family lived in EastLondon where her father was a cabinet maker. She recalls... y over tradition, thriving in her adopted home of London. She maintained her cultural roots while building... cja Wargulak]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]\\
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Uważam tę część wyw... a Wargulak]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 I find this part of th
===== 🇬🇧 Yeast Dough =====
* 2.5 cups of all... 400 g)
* 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
* 30 g fresh yeast or 7 g instant dry yeast
* 1/2 stick (about 50 g) of margarine
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon sugar
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk with the sugar. Combine half a stick
ackground in Warsaw and his reasons for moving to London in 1938. He talks about his work as Polish vice-c... ons for Poland in 1945 and Polish celebrations in London during 1945. He comments on the 1995 VE-Day celeb... Josef Butler]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Andrzej Kaminiecki wy... sef Butler]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Andrzej Kaminiecki dis
y over tradition, thriving in her adopted home of London. She maintained her cultural roots while building... Agata Sikora]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Narracja Diany głębok... ata Sikora]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Diana's narrative reso... miration and support sharing between women of at least three generations (Diana's mum, Diana, Diana's gr
bio: //[[:heroes:joe-morris]], born and raised in London's East End, is a figure of resilience and cultural roote... or Jurkowski]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Niestety po pierwszej... Jurkowski]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Unfortunately after Fi... of Jews from lower social classes in central and Eastern Europe became very bad. Here both parents migr
oseph Butler]]\\
w badaniu dla [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 Stycznia 2024''
🇵🇱 Spośród 160 000 Polak... eph Butler]]\\
researching for [[:audit:museum-of-london]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 Of the 160,000 Poles ... nd 60% had previously lived in Poland's inter-war eastern borderlands. Families from what is now Ukraine... lf column>
Poles that had previously lived in the eastern borderlands arrived in Britain with a pre-exis