he Last Witness, focusing on Western governments’ cover-up of Katyn’s truth. He emphasizes Katyn’s ongoing p... w about the Katyn massacre but politically helped cover it up.|
|Aunt|Siostra mamy Piotra, która w młodym wieku... ney to support each other.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=cover%20up|coverup]]|Dotyczy tuszowania prawdy o zbrodni katyńskiej ... of Piotr’s film about the Katyn massacre and its cover-up by the British and Americans.|
ed the families in Poland. My film deals with the coverup here and in America. That the British government,... ets, but for political reasons, they covered that up and blamed it on the Germans. So that was the sto... dance to people not having [everything?], queuing up in shops and the whole thing looking very, you kn... to the point... I remember my dad even… They set up, especially in Brockley-Lewisham, they set up a k
Digital Collections Summit 2024
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🇵🇱 Właśnie dzisiaj zaczął się... k:20241022-summit-banner.jpg?nolink}}
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🇵🇱 Oto link polecony przez je... m/discovering-online-collections|How do people discover and use online collections]]. W niej sporo insigh... ctions-summit-2024-a-birds-eye-view-how-people-discover-and-access-online-collections|A Birds-Eye View: H
📁 [[stories:cfa1:start]]
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===== Podsumowanie wywiadu ==... riotism and informal social life. Despite growing up in an “ugly” industrial city, she was raised in a... ential.
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===== Interpretacja 1 =====
... points.
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Fascynujące jest słuchanie op
intelectuals and celebrities of the time with a cup of coffee! It was a fashionable café where Warsaw... here for good?” He swallows a spoon of crayfish soup and smacks his lips with appetite. “England is a ... Bridge was raised. He and count Sobański were to cover silver jubilee of King George the V for major Pol... d friend from Warsaw also happened to have turned up in London).
In 1938 Feliks Topolski met G.B. Sha
es on top. Add some water, about in a quarter way up the dish, cover and roast in the oven. Roast the meat in a hot oven until tender, topping up the water so it doesn’t dry out.
When it’s tende
nal day, boil them in fresh water, then drain and cover with a light sugar syrup so that the peels are fully submerged. Bring to a... ew more ounces (tens of grams) of sugar to the syrup. On the last day, after bringing everything to a boil, transfer the peels to jars, bring the syrup to a boil, pour it over the peels, and seal the j... sion, let the peels cool, remove them from the syrup, drain well, sprinkle generously with powdered su
5 cups of all-purpose flour (around 400 g)
* 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
* 30 g fresh yeast or 7 g inst... . It will be slightly sticky. Leave it in a bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and let ...
Soak the dried mushrooms in 1 cup of cold water for about 12 hours. Reserve the soa... ur in the reserved mushroom soaking water plus 1 cup of cold water.
Stir well, cover, and simmer over
ll" program
brought to reality by Volunteers Group, Central/Eastern Europe
This page is sti... change, and new ones arriving soon, but after group discussion.
===== Owners Wanted =====
This pro... * This person would collect the monies from group members,
* would make sure that Printing Own... eated at a later date.
TODO This project needs **cover graphics**.
''Acceptance criteria:''
* High
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o London, and I’m sharing it as the best Polish soup around.
===== 🇬🇧 Ingredients =====
... for about 5 minutes, and then add it to the pot. Cover everything with 2 liters of filtered water.
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek