many Poles after the war.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=British%20government|Britishgovernment]]|Rząd brytyjski, który również znał prawdę o Kat... dzielił jednak schronienia polskim uchodźcom.|The Britishgovernment, which also knew the truth about Katyn but remain... served as the last foreign minister of the Polish government-in-exile before handing over the insignia of powe... deportowana przez Sowietów, następnie pod opieką British Army; wychowała Piotra w polskiej tradycji w Angl
s with the cover up here and in America. That the Britishgovernment, the American government knew very well that it was the Soviets, but for p... , everything is linked with the church.
KJ: The Britishgovernment helped with funds for the organisation or Poles f... to America, to Canada, this sort of thing. So the British helped from that point of view, definitely, but a... don't think there were any kind of state funds or British funds that went into that. And that was all built
sses his feelings of despair betrayal towards the BritishGovernment following the end of the Second World War. Many Poles felt deeply let down that the BritishGovernment colluded with the Soviet Union at the Yalta Confe... stern Poland outside of the new Polish state. The Britishgovernment also failed to attribute blame for the Katyn Fore... transferred political recognition from the Polish government-in-exile to the Provisional Government of Nationa
kie.|Kensington – posh territory where the Polish government in exile set up shop, oh and there’s that fancy O... się w dyskusjach politycznych ojca i wuja Anny.|A British Prime Minister mentioned in Anna’s father’s and u... seven daughters).|
|[[:start?do=search&q=Polish%20Government%20in%20Exile|Polish Government in Exile]]|Rząd RP na uchodźstwie w Londynie, uznawany przez polską społecznoś
sses his feelings of despair betrayal towards the BritishGovernment following the end of the Second World War. Many P... d, especially those who worked for the old Polish government, like Andre did.
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start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek