ąpiła do brytyjskiego wojska i trafiła pod opiekę BritishArmy.|Piotr’s mother’s sister, who joined the Britisharmy at a young age.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=British%20army|Britisharmy]]|Armia brytyjska, w której służyła ciotka Piotra; zapewniła opiekę wielu Polakom po wojnie.|The Britisharmy in which Piotr’s aunt served; provided care for m... deportowana przez Sowietów, następnie pod opieką BritishArmy; wychowała Piotra w polskiej tradycji w Anglii.|P
o Persia. She was there under the auspices of the Britisharmy. Her sister, my aunt, joined the Britisharmy as a young girl. They then were, you know, in the care of the Britisharmy until the end of the war. They then came to Engla... 1939 to 1945, you know, under the auspices of the Britisharmy, the pilots, the paratroopers, the tankers, you k... s with the cover up here and in America. That the British government, the American government knew very wel
The London Spectacle”. Topolski was fascinated by British class system and this book was very observant pro... ar Artist. Feliks ended up doing the job for both British and Polish. So he became a correspondent, member ... polski was sent on a secret mission. He went on a British arctic convoy to Archangielsk.
From there he wen... les formerly incarcerated by Soviets were to form army and allowed to fight Germany.
After his mission
deportation to Siberia and service in the Anders Army. Alec grew up in the Brixton and Streatham neighb... s: brak – realia historyczne.|Old Palestine under British rule. Another pit-stop in that endless wartime sh... ka”.|A family tied to Alec’s parents both through army bonds and shared hometown history—war stories all... Andersa i brał udział w działaniach saperskich.|**Army**: His father joined Anders’ Army and took part i
sses his feelings of despair betrayal towards the British Government following the end of the Second World War. Many Poles felt deeply let down that the British Government colluded with the Soviet Union at the ... stern Poland outside of the new Polish state. The British government also failed to attribute blame for the... men, who fought for Britain as part of the Polish army-in-exile, were invited to the London Victory Para
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 As he was serving in British forces he could apply for British nationality, although, as he said: "I arrived from Sweden for a specific reason; just to join the army, not refuging".
At the beginning he worked in the... is a patriot trying to enrol himself to a Polish army in England as 16-years old boy, although not succ
s that resettled in post-war Britain were offered British citizenship in 1947, by 1961 only 23,000 (16% of ... n]]
''31 January 2024''
🇬🇧 As he was serving in British forces he could apply for British nationality, although, as he said: "I arrived from Sweden for a specific reason; just to join the army, not refuging"... ⪢ [[:stories:zygmunt-izycki-int
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek