nie** Życie w polonijnej społeczności w Clapham i Balham. Historia budynku Bursa jako centrum wsparcia dla... * Life within the Polish community in Clapham and Balham. The story of the Bursa building as a support cen... in England |
| **Dzieciństwo**: Dorastanie Anny w Balham i Clapham w polsko-angielskim środowisku | około 1950–1960 | **Childhood**: Anna grows up in Balham and Clapham in a Polish-English community |
| **H
dzińska, who were one of originals in the parafia Balham and Clapham. Basically, they met and married, and bought a house in Balham. And we’ve lived in Balham most of our lives. All my brothers and sisters have now moved to other areas. I also have moved out of Balham. My mother is still alive and still lives in the
eczności. Życie towarzyskie po mszach w Clapham i Balham.
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🇬🇧 **03 Football and ... s. Social life after Polish masses in Clapham and Balham.
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<W... e Eagle i polskiego kościoła|[[:start?do=search&q=Balham|Balham]]|Location of the White Eagle club and Polish church|
|Okolica, gdzie znajdował się kościół i szko