for church and a chinwag.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=AlbertHall|AlbertHall]]|Słynna sala koncertowa w Londynie, w której zes... res: Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP.|Blimey, the AlbertHall! Proper grand stage where Karolinka showed off th... encing life under communist rule.|
|1980s|**AlbertHall**: Wraz z Karolinką występował w Royal AlbertHall oraz wystawiał polskie tańce w innych krajach europejskich.|**AlbertHall**: Together with Karolinka, he performed at the Royal AlbertHall and showcased Polish dances across Europe.|
r than nowhere, I suppose.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=AlbertHall|AlbertHall]]|Miejsce, w którym Basia w 1957 roku oglądała wy... locations like Clapham, Streatham, and the Royal AlbertHall in London, as well as Ealing, Birmingham, and Sou... |1957]]|**Koncert**: Zobaczyłam występ Mazowsza w AlbertHall i dostałam pawie pióro od jednego z tancerzy, co ... o folkloru.|**Concert**: I caught Mazowsze at the AlbertHall and scored a peacock feather from a dancer—instan
travelled to Poland and we even gave shows at the AlbertHall in London and we travelled around Europe to Polis... Square. I think Peter Jones, they just hired the hall there and they had their first ever zabawa there,
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek