eślenie uwolnienia Polaków z sowieckiej niewoli w 1941 roku; umożliwiło matce Piotra opuszczenie ZSRR.|R... to the release of Poles from Soviet captivity in 1941, which allowed Piotr’s mother to leave the USSR.|... Soviet invasion of Poland.|
|[[:start?do=search&q=1941|1941]]|**Amnestia**: W wyniku porozumienia polsko-radzieckiego matka Piotra uzyskała możliwość opuszcze
himself was injured in one of the raids. Then in 1941 when Germany invaded Soviet Union Topolski was se... You have to appreciate the timing. It was August 1941 General Anders and Bohusz Szyszko like many other
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 00:17 by Wojtek